Alyssa Pinzon
HS Clap Out
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Join Our Legacy: Celebrate the Past, Pave the Future!

Colleen Lunsford Bevis Elementary School opened its doors in August 2000! The 2024-2025 school year will mark the 25th year of our school. We are thrilled to invite you to be a part of something truly special – our “Celebrating the Past, Paving the Future” 25th Anniversary capital enhancement for Colleen Lunsford Bevis Elementary!

Embrace the Legacy: Colleen Lunsford Bevis Elementary School has a rich history of academic excellence, community spirit, and unforgettable memories. Now, we have a unique opportunity to celebrate this legacy in a lasting and meaningful way.

Your Personalized Brick: Imagine leaving your mark on our beloved school grounds. By purchasing a personalized brick, you can immortalize your name, years attending our school, etc. These bricks will become a timeless part of our school’s landscape, reminding future generations of the incredible community that built our foundation.

Investing in Tomorrow: Your contribution goes beyond a brick; it’s an investment in the future of Colleen Lunsford Bevis Elementary School. The bricks will be used to create a center courtyard for our school. Together, we can pave the way for success and growth.

How You Can Contribute: Choose the perfect brick size and personalization. Two brick sizes are available: 4″ x 8″ for $50 or 8″ x 8″ for $100 (additional cost for clipart) and are for individuals or families only (no advertising). You can purchase online through the link below or print off the form (attached to the email) and mail it with payment in. All brick forms, either online or paper, must be received and paid for by September 30, 2024.

Spread the word! Share our campaign with fellow alumni, friends, and family.

Visit our online platform to order your personalized brick today!

With gratitude,

Mrs. Reeve

Bevis Rodeo Auction

Testing Dates

To limit disruptions on our campus during testing, please note that there will not be any
volunteer or tutoring activities (with the exception of Lunch Bunch) during the dates listed below.

May Breakfast & Lunch Menus

Click below or go to

Bevis Registration

Registration packets for students registering for Kindergarten, or students just moving into the neighborhood are available at the Bevis front office. Once completed, make a copy of all documents and drop them off at the school office Tuesday-Thursday between 8:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.

Questions? Contact Sarah O’Toole at or call 740-4000 option 2. Thank you!

Join the PTA

Get your 2023-2024 Spirit Magnet & Spirit Stick when you Join the Bevis PTA TODAY!

Get your 2023-2024 Spirit Car Magnet and a PTA Member Spirit Stick when you join the Bevis PTA TODAY! Join online at

Volunteer Information

The safety of students, families, and staff is our number one priority. The district volunteer application is available now and volunteers are able to come inside the school. If you would like to sign up for a volunteer shift, please email We currently have shifts available for Lunch Bunch and in the Media Center.

*All volunteers and community partners MUST complete or reactivate the online Volunteer Application each school year via Hillsborough County. This is a requirement for all volunteers prior to entering the school for volunteer needs or chaperoning.


Thank you to our business sponsors!


  • To promote the welfare of children in school, home and our community.
  • To assist parents in becoming more active in their child’s school, education and community.
  • To support the National PTA in their efforts to speak on behalf of children before governmental bodies and other organizations.


The overall purpose of PTA

  • A powerful voice for all children,
  • A relevant resource for families and communities, and
  • A strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child


To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

Thank you for visiting the Bevis PTA website. Further details are provided on these and other items throughout our website. If you are not a subscriber on our website, please do so for the most-up-to-date information. For questions, contact us at